Couldn’t wait to start eating it before I took a picture!

For lunch today I had chicken thighs with chickpeas in a tasty Nandos-Jamaican sauce which I thickened more than usual with potato powder for a more solid satisfying meal. I forgot to take a picture before I started eating so you see it here partly eaten!

You may have noticed that none of my meals contain green vegetables. That’s because I don’t eat them and haven’t done so for at 4 years now, not since I became single. The reason is in two parts. It’s a lot cheaper to take a multi-vitamin and it’s a lot faster to cook meals without them:

ABCplus multi vitamin & mineral (H&B – 2 a day costing 45p a week)

The lowest estimate I can come up with for the cost of greens per week is £1.80 for two packets of frozen mixed vegetables. If you go for fresh instead – which nutritionists would no doubt recommend – I suspect the cost would be at least twice that!

I take other supplements as well but they provide extra benefits over and above these ABC tablets which replace any vitamins I might be missing from the lack of greens in my diet. I take 2 rather than 1 because I discovered something interesting about hyaluronic acid which is the magic ingredient for keeping your skin young. The only way of making sure you get enough is to take extra magnesium so that your body can make it for you!  ABC tablets are cheaper than magnesium tablets and being a large framed fellow I need extra multi-vitamins anyway!

I rather suspect that our digestive system can’t cope with green vegetables anyway. All I can say is that at the age of 73 after 4 years without them I’m as fit as a fiddle!

<The nearest recipe for this meal>